Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Editing Geos

Man, the geos were tougher than I expected.  It turns out that I was almost done with the code before I realized that I'd made some big mistakes early on that affected almost all of my code.  Basically, I forgot how the vertices were stored.  The vertices in the geos are stored in pairs for each line.  For example [50,0,0,50,0,50,100,50] is a triangle with the vertices 50x0, 0x50, and 100x50.  However, I forgot that and thought each vertex was stored only once ([50,0,0,50,100,50]).  I didn't try to do any collision testing against them or display any textures on them until the end, so my error didn't show for a long time.

I got that fixed, though it took alot of debugging before it was working right.  And after that, some old errors that I didn't know about surfaced.  Fortunately, these ones were sort of expected.  They had to do with breaking the shapes down into triangles in order to draw them.  A triangle geo won't need any breaking down and a square will be only two triangles, but a complex shape requires some deep thinking to break down.

Because it's alot of complex math, it's easy to overlook things.  While one shape might be broken down just fine, another might present a case that I hadn't thought of and it will either draw incorrectly or crash.  After alot of bashing my head against my desk, I got it working.  It works flawlessly now as far as I can tell.  I just have a couple more things to do with it before I start on the save feature.

I know this post wasn't all that exciting (as usual, lately), but soon I'll have more exciting news to share.  The editor is the boring hurdle that I need to get over before things take off.  I won't be working on it again until Monday, however.  But stick with me.  Thanks for reading!


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