Wednesday, November 5, 2014

AI Working (Enough)

The AI syncing works.  There were a few hiccups, but I figured them out.  It now tries to attack the player.  It's still not very smart at all, but it avoids obstacles and consciously aims for the player's routes.  It's somewhat easy to beat since it's so predictable.  In other words, it will aim a route at one of my segments, I'll block it, and it will repeat the same move over and over again until I do something different.  Meanwhile, I'll have another route circling around the back and flanking him.  It makes it pretty darn easy since he doesn't consider defense at all yet.  Nevertheless, it's real fun to see it actually having a strategy and making moves that aren't scripted.

From here, I want to create a level editor so that I can test the AI in different environments without manually typing up all the level data like I did for the one you saw in the screenshots and video.  It looks simple, but when you have to type it all out, it's not so simple anymore.

I created a level editor once before in a previous version of Sever, and I think it was pretty good.  However, I was using a custom GUI library that I had created.  I don't know if I want to pull that out again because it's way too complex for my purposes.  I was a bit overzealous.  I can probably make something much faster and simpler from scratch.  Unfortunately, it's going to take a little extra time to do.  But it will be worth it.

I know this blog is really boring because I'm still building the core game engine, and I understand if no one actually chooses to read it much just yet.  If you've read this far, however, I'm hoping it's because you're at least somewhat interested.  But please check back periodically to see the progress.  Hopefully you'll eventually start to like what you see.  Thanks for reading!


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