Friday, December 21, 2007

Map Editor, Collision, Demo

The map editor can now save (to a hardcoded path, but that will change probably today). It also loads, go figure. That's exciting because I can start ridding Sever of all the hardcoded content.

I'm also working to weave the collision grid even tighter into the game so that it automatically adds and removes all objects to and from the map so I don't have to keep remembering to do it myself. It seems that I spend almost as much time streamlining as I do creating. But that's okay because every improvement to the game makes me feel awesome.

I've been making alot of progress and I commented on some plans for the near future in my Experimental Gameplay page:

I hope to have a little taste of Sever to release in the next few weeks. I plan to have a few maps with a few mindless enemies. I imagine that will be taste enough. From there you can imagine what multiplayer might be like.

I promised some vids a while back, but I've dropped them since I'm so close to releasing demo?. I'll put some effort into a little art and hopefully get some sound code in there. There'll be no music; that's a headasplode for another day. I sincerely hope that you like it and would like to start some discussion in my Google group.

I would love to hear your questions and suggestions. I'm pretty sure there's more that can be done with the gameplay, and I'm positive that you guys can help me out in that regard.


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