Sunday, December 2, 2007

First Run, Multiplayer, Music, Tile-Engine

The game plays.

Of course I've only tested single-player mode. I still have a few things to work out before I can test multiplayer. Anyway, I kept starting the game and fixing the errors it threw at me until all of a sudden there weren't any errors. Neither were there any nodes or segments, but that's beside the point. I had yet to write the drawing code. Anyway, the drawing code was simple enough.

Of course there were some problems with the behavior of the people inside the segments. For some reason they formed a line that went back behind the node, away from the segment itself. Though frustrated, I wasn't surprised. I'd seen crazier things. I just can't believe it's actually running.

After I fixed the above issue, there were still some more bugs to fix, but at the moment I'm focusing my attention on the loading screen. I'm trying to figure out the best way to get all the players on the same page in the most efficient way possible. I've had to do and redo the code a few times. At first I had decided that I would allow AI players in multiplayer. Why? Because I could. I also thought that since PCs don't support local players, I would create my own local players that would communicate through the first player's account. Of course this is all doable and I have concrete ideas of how I'd do it, but as I began to code it, my head started to whirl. I can't use any more head-whirling at the moment, so I'm putting that off until a later date. Until further notice, multi-player is as XNA intended.

I'm still composing little diddies. I like one of them (my second one), but it's not nearly good enough to put in the game. I might test with it just for fun, however. In January, I'm transferring to another school, one with more people like me. I'm hoping to find someone with some musical talent to compose some music for me. Maybe I'll find an artist, too.

I'm having thoughts about the background tile engine. It's going to be hard work making tiles that come together seamlessly. I wonder if there's a better way. I sure can't think of one. I'm looking for a combination of performance and ease. Any suggestions? Anyway, if I don't think of anything, I'll just bite the bullet and do it anyway.

Suggestions? Questions?


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