Tuesday, November 20, 2007

XNA Networking

First off, Sever and its referenced libraries all converted just fine to XNA 2.0, though there were a couple deprecated functions. It ran fine without changing them, but the changes would be so small that I did it anyway.

I've been reading up on networking within XNA. I was deathly afraid that it would require as much code as the game itself, but fortunately, it does not. XNA has once again managed to simplify something so complex without losing any capability that I will need any time soon.

Anyway, it's still daunting. I have no experience with this stuff and it's still going to take some figuring out. Fortunately, it seems Sever's current structure is a perfect fit for networking (wipe the sweat off my forehead). I must be a prophet. No, that's going a little far. I'm probably just a genius.

Fortunately, I'll be able to do part of the multiplayer testing without a second computer. XNA allows multiple players to play from one instance on one pc. In other words: split-screen. I could've implemented split-screen before, but the required code would've gone off course from the intended structure of the game. I would've had to undo alot of code come XNA 2.0. But the waiting is over, so I can move on.

Please comment your suggestions, questions, thoughts, praises, musings, etc. Thanks for reading.


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