I completed the collision detection for growing sections. I found a bug or two in past code that was surfaced by the severing and retracting going on. It took me a few minutes of frustration to figure out, but I solved it.
There's a logic error I've noticed in how the people run through the routes. Fortunately, this isn't hampering the gameplay, so I've been able to put it off for a little while, but I'll have to tackle that sooner or later.
I began working on the fog of war, but I came upon some crossroads and need some time to think them through, so I instead worked on a simple tile engine for the background. It was fairly simple and was easy to build from start to finish. I've created a single tile that covers the entire map for the moment.
Now, while I'm still thinking the fog of war through, I'm going to create an post-game window that declares the winner and shows scores. An okay button at the bottom of the window will send you back to the main menu. I also need a pause function in-game that displays a list of options, including an Abort option. This way, I can start a new game without having to shut the game down.
I have to do some thinking with the graphics. The bitmaps when displayed at an unusual scale or location (floating point rather than a whole number) tend to have a grey outline. It may be due to the format I'm using (.png), when I could be using a bitmap with a mask. I'll try that and see if it fixes things.
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