Friday, June 29, 2007


I fixed a few bugs with the collision detection. All the sudden it wanted to test outside the map's boundaries, which of course crashed the game instantly.

Anyway, I redid the color scheme. Originally, when I first created the GUI, I created a scheme that looked nice with the default background color (CornflowerBlue). The forms imitated the look of pre-xp windows. All gray except the title bars, which were a nice shade of blue. Anyway, I changed it all to a nice dark blue. I don't know if this will be the final scheme I choose, but I wanted to reflect the mood I want the game to have. Every once in a while, you need a break from development to have a little fun. Anyway, here are some screens (the form and button borders look blurry because the pics are jpeg):

This is the Main Menu.

This is in-game. The circles around the nodes are the distance each one must be from other nodes. The line at the top is the top of the map. You cannot build beyond it. I also draw the borders of each grid square, but they are not shown in this pic. Each pair of nodes is a different player. I'm the top left and as you can see, I'm performing a drag n' drop to build another route. In the upper-left corner is the Statistics form that tells me how many people, nodes, and route sections I have.

As time moves on and the graphics improve or change, I'll probably be posting more pics. Until then, adieu.


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