Friday, June 1, 2007


I read up on sound yesterday. With XNA, you have to use XACT (Microsoft Cross-Platfrom Audio Creation Toolkit), which allows you to organize the sound and music for your game and compile it into the game through the content pipeline rather than loading it dynamically. I've heard pros and cons for this approach, but as a one-man-show indie, I don't think the lessened flexibility will affect me. The good part about precompiled sound is that it means less work for me and faster loading times.

I haven't created a helper class yet, but I have added a sound effect to the game. When you press a button on the GUI, you hear a "click" sound, which is actually "C:\Windows\Media\Windows Navigation Start.wav". It's nothing special, but I can only progress from here. Soon I'll have a working helper class for my sound effects.

Before we know it, I'll be getting back to work on the actual game engine. I'm almost there. It's amazing how much progress I've made in the past few months (amazing to me; I have no training whatsoever, so I'm teaching myself).

Any thoughts?


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