Thursday, May 31, 2007

GUI, State Machine, Sound

I've made various updates to the gui. I made the main menu more functional and created a "play options" menu where you can choose the number of players and start the game. As I went, I fixed any bugs that cropped up and added a few more features, like a Label control. A favorite of mine is the messagebox dialog which is created the same way it is in Windows Forms: "clsMessageDialog.ShowMessage(string Message);". This way the code can alert me of errors without having to throw an exception. There are a few more improvements to make that I can think of at the moment, but I'm sure there'll be plenty of changes in the coming weeks/months. I'm still looking into clipping, but nothing has yet come up. Maybe I'll leave it be.

The state machine underwent some big improvements. It is now "far" along as opposed to "far enough" along.

Soon, I'll get to work on sound. I want to prepare as many helper classes as I can before I dive back into the game engine because I want to develop it knowing exactly what resources I have.

Comment please.


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