Sunday, May 20, 2007


I made some finishing touches to the input helper class and to the overall structure of the game, and then went to work on some interface stuff. I've basically copied Windows's method with a Control class, Container class, and all their methods and events, like OnPaint and MouseDown. I'm making some great progress on it. I have a cursor class that utilizes my input helper class to work, and once I get the basics of the gui going, I'll go on to make some controls like buttons, labels, and a few others. Eventually, I'll make a textbox. That will be an experience. And once I have all of these made, I think I'll somehow separate them from the game as a component that I can reuse in the future.

I've been thinking alot about the fog-of-war. I have a general idea of how I want to do it. However, I've also been thinking about adding "objects" to the map, obstacles that you would have to build around, so the map wouldn't be one big open area. It only makes sense. However, I've also been thinking that it would be interesting to make these objects affect the fog-of-war, so that if someone was building on one side of an object, they wouldn't see the other side. This would open up some interesting gameplay possibilities. However, I'm not sure exactly how to implement that. I'm not even sure how I'll implement the "objects" and all the collision testing involved.

Next in line is sound, which sounds pretty easy (no pun intended, really) with XNA.

Anyway, that's it for now. Comment.


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