Friday, May 18, 2007

Book, Progress

The book isn't quite what I expected. He doesn't detail all the important classes like I wanted him to. Instead, he provides his own helper classes and shows me how to use those. However, he still tells the most important concepts, so I've been trying to figure out the classes from those. I really don't like using someone else's code if I don't have to. Another book is coming out in june written by someone from the XNA team. I hope that one is better.

Anyway, I've made progress. The one thing I've reused so far from the last run is the camera (psuedo-camera, 2D) class because it has alot of math I'd have to work through again. Unfortunately, since I wrote it, I discovered that there are more efficient ways to do that math, so I'll eventually have to rewrite alot of it anyway.

I redid my input helper class, which is now much more flexible and data-driven. Overall, things are going well. The structure is much more cohesive and organized than it was before. Now that I see the big picture, the development is much more efficient and effective.

And by the way, still no problems with Vista.

I just wanted to post my progress so my readers don't think I'm gone. I will finish Sever. I promise.


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