Wednesday, May 9, 2007


The Book has come, Wrox's Professional XNA Game Programming For Xbox 360 and Windows, by Benjamin Nitschke. I've only read the first chapter, but I've seen enough to know that there's alot I can learn, and thus alot I can change in Sever's structure. Hopefully I'll have time in the next few weeks to read through it so I can get back to work on Sever.

Anyway, this hiatus is only temporary so I can read up on XNA and become more productive and effective in my progress with Sever. Please keep checking back. I'll update on the things I'm learning and the ideas I'm coming up with for Sever. Thanks.


1 comment:

Chris Webb said...

Thanks for buying our book and I'm glad your initial thoughts are positive. Don't forget that you can ask questions in the book forum at

I know Ben would appreciate an review of the book when you have the chance.

Chris Webb
Executive Editor
