Saturday, January 8, 2011

Skipping Ahead

I started out basically retyping all my old GUI code. Of course, that is a really inefficient way to go about things when I could easily copy all the old code files into a new project and build them under the new version of XNA, but I thought that I would get to know the code if I did it this way. However, as time passes and I realized that it would take forever and by the time I was done, I would probably only remember the few things I had just copied and forget the rest, I decided to just do it the efficient way. I did the same for my input library.

Since I was on a roll, I started to copy old game files into my new project, like the state machine, the grid system, the camera, etc. Basically all the stuff I did not think about for the last two years so that I would be able to skip ahead to the stuff I did think about. Frankly, I am a bit rusty and I do not think I am ready to start over completely yet. Right now, I am going to focus mostly on gameplay. Of course, if I run into something I want to change or add with the other code, I will, but that will be the exception.

Honestly, with how rusty I am now, having not programmed for two straight years, I do not think I could write that code any better than it already was. Maybe later when I get my groove back. Then again, I think it is plenty good for what I need anyway. It is decent code. I am proud of it. It is fun skimming through it and admiring my work.

There you go. I am skipping ahead, which is a good sign that this build will not be my last. I will not do any skipping on my last build.

One thing that is daunting is networking. For all I know, it will be easy, but I would not know. I started coding it in my last iteration, but I did not complete it. I was never even able to test it. But I will figure it out. I know I will. It is not impossible. AI, however, may be out of my range of skills.

Thanks for reading,

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